Fair Use Policy
j18n has been designed to be used by small-to-medium-sized software companies.
We deliberately leave those terms unspecified, i.e. we leave it up to you
This policy is most clearly manifest in our pricing, viz. we offer a flat price and impose no
arbitrary usage limitations. It is our explicit goal to offer j18n at an inexpensive price.
We do retain the right to modify our pricing terms as we determine necessary.
We reserve the right to suspend any account at any time for any reason (with or without cause—can
range from deliberate abuse/hacking to overwhelming our servers).
In the event that we suspend an account, a prorated amount based upon the account's license terms (monthly or annual) will
be refunded.
We aim to be reasonable and flexible and will attempt to notify accounts before resorting to
suspension (without obviating the prior clause)
All users of j18n agree to be bound by the latest version of this Fair Use policy.
nomagicsoftware reserves the right to change the terms of this policy without notice.