j18n support for IE7 is being discontinued
15 February 2013We have decided to end IE7 support, which means that j18n will no longer work in IE7
We apologize to any clients that have depended on IE7 (although judging by our logs no one uses IE7) and have notified all existing clients of the decision
Why you might ask?—given the extensive effort in QA and UI development work plus the lack of users' use of IE7, it just isn't worth it (and probably never was). -
j18n refactor/move support added
10 April 2012We have expanded our resource refactoring to include moving messages from one resource to another
The j18n tutorial has further details
Thanks to J. Marcos and I. Marinowski for requesting this feature and beta-testing it. -
j18n beta released
14 October 2011A beta version of j18n has been released.
We invite anyone who might be interested to signup for a free-trial and give us your feedback
The beta is a full-featured version of the live release.
We will not be taking orders during the beta period, but drop us a note at and we will notify you as soon as the application is live. -
j18n alpha released
23 May 2011An alpha version of j18n has been released